
MoT+++, Ho Chi Minh City


My practice explores the constructs and relationships between time and space. Blurring the distinctions of change and transition: between life and death, natural and supernatural, artificial and organic, reality and science-fiction.

The work looks at time as a fragmented force, constantly in a state of flux. Segments of parallel worlds, realities and histories leaking into ours, creating their own and existing by themselves. Considered as a whole singular work regenerating itself through time and place, refreshing itself differently again and again, with no beginning or end.

otherMother, Enamel on concrete, 2019.jpg
BLINDER MINDER, Enamel on plexiglass, 2019.jpg
NETHER FEEDER, Enamel on plexiglass, 2019.jpg
NETHER FEEDER detail, Enamel on plexiglass, 2019.JPG
otherMother, outside , Enamel on concrete, 2019.JPG